Here you can
learn how to do mostly everything with jackalberry.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480);
int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
1 - Load Image
Compile and install GLFW, or
just install the package with your package
manager (apt, synaptic, etc)
How to set-up a window and load an image.
Compile with:
g++ helloworld.cpp -o
helloworld -ffast-math -lglfw -lGL -lXrandr -lX11 -lGLU -pthread -lm -O4
or just use the script:
./ helloworld
#include "jackalberry.hpp" #include <time.h>
int main() {
jackalberry gl; gl.window("jackalberry clock", 515, 515);
gl.loadimage("clockface.png",0,0); int h = gl.loadimage("hour.png",1,1); int m = gl.loadimage("minute.png",1,1); int s = gl.loadimage("second.png",1,1); gl.loadimage("nub.png",1,1);
int second = 0, minute = 0, hour = 0; int halfhour = 0, SwissTime = 1;
time_t time1=time(NULL); struct tm * timeinfo;
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100);
time1=time(NULL); time (&time1); timeinfo = gmtime(&time1);
second = timeinfo->tm_sec; minute = timeinfo->tm_min; hour = timeinfo->tm_hour%24+SwissTime;
if (minute > 30) halfhour = 15; else halfhour = 0;
gl.rotateimage(s,(360 / 60 * second)); gl.rotateimage(m,(360 / 60 * minute)); gl.rotateimage(h,(360 / 12 * (hour%12) + halfhour));
gl.refresh(); } }
2 - Rotate Image
This is the jackalberry clock. It's just a simple clock. The hands move
around the face using the rotate command.
When referencing an image, or animation or other
type of "widget" or "object" an integer is returned when it's
For example:
int pic =
loadimage returns a simple integer "pic", you can use this int variable
to modify the object, such as rotation, or one of the other functions
you'll see later on.
As you might guess, this rotates "pic" by 45 degrees.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200); gl.moveimage(logo, 100, 100); gl.rotateimage(logo, 45); gl.spinimage(logo, 45); gl.flipimage(logo, 45); gl.scaleimage(logo, 2.0, 2.0);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
3 - Transform the Image a bunch of ways
This simple example shows that an image can be
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Glass image", 640, 480);
int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 170, 170); int logo2 = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200); gl.glassimage(logo2, true, 0.5);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
7 - Glass Image
Glass image adjusts the OpenGL alpha value for a specified image.
In this example the first parameter is the image handle, the second
parameter is a boolean value indicating if transparency is on or off
for this image. The third value can be between 0.0 (completely
transparent) and 1.0 (completely opaque).
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
gl.visibleimage(logo, false);
for (;;) { gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
8 - Visible Image
This is the way to turn off the display of a
particular image.
Better to use this than use glassimage to achieve the same effect as
this way, the system actually removes the image from the render cycle
which increases resources for other images.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Gradient Example", 640, 480); int grad = gl.gradientimage(10,10,100,100,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
9 - Gradient Image
Gradient image allows you to make a simple gradient. You specify the x
and y, and the size of the image and then the the RGB of the start and
the RGB of the finish color.
Gradient image can be treated like any other image and can be moved,
scaled, spun, flipped and made semi-transparent.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200); int clonelogo = gl.cloneimage(logo, 250, 250);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
10 - Clone Image
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480);
gl.backgroundcolor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
11 - Background Color
Background color settings can be adjusted by three floating-point
values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, the three values represent Red, Green
and Blue.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
float x,y;
gl.getimagesize(logo, x, y);
cout<<"Image is "<<x<<" across and "<<y<<" down.\n";
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
12 - getimagesize
The twin to this is unintuitively the "resizeimage"
gl.resizeimage(logo, x, y);
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Motion Blur", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
int x,y;
for (;;) { gl.msleep(10);
gl.xymouse(x,y); gl.moveimage(logo,x,y);
gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
13 - Motion Blur
Motion blur works with values between 1 and 9. Value
0 switches it off.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Animation example", 640, 480); gl.backgroundcolor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
int ani = gl.loadanimation("horse/muybridge"); gl.scaleanimation(ani, 0.6, 0.6);
int ani2 = gl.cloneanimation(ani);
float r = 0.0;
for (;;) { gl.playanimation(ani, 90,50); gl.playanimation(ani2, 200,80);
r=r + 0.5; if (r >= 360.0) r = 0.0;
gl.rotateanimation(ani2,r); gl.spinanimation(ani2,r); gl.glassanimation(ani2, true, 0.5);
gl.msleep(50); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
14 - Load & Play, Clone, Scale, Rotate and Spin Animation
Here we look at how animation is used. It's all fairly straight
forward. Note that the frames are called muybridge0.png,
muybridge1.png.. etc. The system understands animations beginning at 0.
Jackalberry will keep loading frames until it can't find anymore with
the specified name.
In the source package there is a directory called "horse" which
contains the muybridge animation.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Flexbox example", 640, 480); gl.backgroundcolor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
int textbox = gl.newtextinput(300, 100); int fb = gl.flexboxnew(50,50,100);
int xout,yout,width; string flextext; string inputboxtext;
for (;;) { gl.msleep(5);
inputboxtext = gl.updatetextinput (textbox); flextext = gl.flexboxgetpos (fb, xout, yout, width);
cout<<"flex text = "<<flextext<<"\n"; cout<<"input box text = "<<inputboxtext<<"\n"; gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
21 - Flex Box (edit area) and Text Input |
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Flex Image", 640, 480); int xout, yout, width; int flximg = gl.fleximagenew("jblogo.png", 200, 200);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(10); gl.fleximagegetpos(flximg, xout, yout, width); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
22 - Flex Image
#include "jackalberry.hpp" #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Flex button", 640, 480);
int button = gl.flexbuttonnew("grabbutton.png", 310, 200); int bh = 0;
for (;;) { gl.msleep(10);
if (bh == button) cout<<"Button pushed!\n";
gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
23 - Flex Button
Flex button allows you to take a png image and turn
it into a button. In this example we load grabbutton.png and set-up the
integer bh to be the feedback telling us which button (yet another
integer) has been pressed.
flexbuttonpush polls all buttons and returns the button that has just
been pressed.
vector <float> glidex; vector <float> glidey;
gl.glide( 0, 0, 400, 400, glidex, glidey); for (int i = 0;i<glidex.size();i++) { gl.msleep(1); gl.movecamera(glidex[i], glidey[i]); gl.refresh(); }
24 - Glide
This is just a code snippet but you can easily fit
this into any of the other code examples, there is no prerequisites for
this apart from what you see here.
Glide is a special helper function that given current coordinates and
destination coordinates will plot a smooth course directly between the
two points. Glide returns two vectors filled with the charted course.
Played back at linear speed, it creates an interpolated smooth
This is useful for smooth movement of the camera or images or
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480);
int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
gl.movecamera(100, 100);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
25 - Move Camera
This moves the camera around the jackalberry surface.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("Input example", 640, 480); int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
int x,y,m1,m2,m3,key;
for (;;) { gl.msleep(500); gl.xymouse(x,y);
key = gl.key(); cout<<key<<"\n";
gl.mousebuttons(m1,m2,m3); cout<<"Left "<<m1<<" Right "<<m2<<" Middle "<<m3<<"\n";
gl.refresh(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here.
Tutorial 26 - Mouse
X,Y, Visibility and Mouse Buttons and Keyboard Events
Probably worth noting with this implementation of the key input, if the
system is under heavy load key input may occur out of order, so "A" "S"
"D" will be read as "D" "S" "A". You can see this occur if you increase
the msleep time to make it really sluggish.
gl.key() returns a key press. In the implementation there is a stack,
so it's worth perhaps looping gl.key() to exhaust the stack of key
presses that might have been built up. If there are no key presses
"key" returns -1.
#include "jackalberry.hpp"
int main() { jackalberry gl; gl.window("A jackalberry window", 640, 480);
int logo = gl.loadimage("jblogo.png", 190, 200);
for (;;) { gl.msleep(100); gl.refresh(); gl.quit(); }
return 0; // Control flow will never get here. }
28 - Quit
This opens a window and quits closing the window.
Very brief example but this is how you neatly terminate the jackalberry
state and leave memory free.